Spanish for children

Spanish immersion for children

“The most effective way to learn a second language, they say, is to put the young child in situations where the second language surrounds them.”

This is a quote from an article in the Cornell Chronicle, a magazine published our of Cornell University. The article goes on to promote the “cognitive advantages” of learning a second language. 

CX offers Spanish immersion for children in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Students will be instructed on a 1:1 ratio in an active learning environment. Methodologies such as Total Physical Response Stories (TPRS), The Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES), Shelter Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) methodologies.

These  methodologies will fully engage the learners and create a positive learning environment because they focus on the different learning styles that children bring with them (verbal, linguistic, logical, mathematical, visual, spatial, body kinesthetic, musical rhythmic, interpersonal, and nature.

Reviews and testimonials, find out why CX has 100% customer satisfaction.

Our teachers, who have been working with children for several years, and have received the training on the use of these two methodologies in the classroom. In addition, they have the patience, dedication and desire to teach children how to speak, understand and write Spanish in a fun way.

Children from 4 to 10 year old only pay $25.00 registration and tuition is the same as adult tuition ($175.00 lo season and $185.00 high season). Homestay with a local family is $60.00 which includes three meals a day, from Monday through Saturday.

Educational materials are not part of the tuition. You can buy the books before you arrive in Guatemala. Please contact us for more information about the list ofSpanish-study-children-guatemala | Spanish immersion for children books you should purchase.

The instruction is one-on-one, five hours a day, five days a week.

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