
“La Pedrera” – FACTS

by casa.xelaju

La Pedrera Community Facts

La Pedrera FACTS Casa Xelajú Spanish School

La Pedrera Community Project in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala started in 1995 with 13 children.  In 2020 there are 45 children enrolled in the program.

Opened: 1995 with 13 students

Graduates: 70 students have graduated since 2006.

45 Children are currently enrolled in the program. 28 girls and 17 boys.

The cost for supporting a child is  US$21 per month.

It covers:

  • Registration
  • Supplies– textbooks, notebooks, pencils, etc.
  • Uniform for school and for sports
  • Two pairs of shoes—one pair for sports and the one for daily use
  • Donations that schools ask during the school year
  • Medical care
  • Casa Xelaju administers the program. All administrative costs are paid out of the Casa Xelaju budget, including:
  • Building maintenance
  • Utilities—Electricity and water
  • Internet connection to the new computer lab

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