
About Guatemala


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Guatemala borders Mexico and Belize to the north. To the south are Honduras and El Salvador, making the country The true gateway to Central and South America. Guatemala a multiethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual nation is ruled by a democratic elected government and congress.

Famous for its majestic volcanoes and pristine mountain lakes, the country also offers the visitor an opportunity to explore verdant tropical rain forests, black volcanic beaches, and lush, towering mountains.

Guatemalan history dates back to the time of the ancient Mayan civilization and students can explore numerous archaeological sites throughout the nation.

Tikal, the Mayan capital during the classical period, is often described as one of the most spectacular, yet mysterious wonders of the world.

Guatemala was founded in 1524 as the capital of the Spanish colonial government in Central America, many cities and towns still maintain a colonial Spanish ambiance, offering many sites from the era of The Conquistadores.

Guatemala itself offers a unique study abroad experience. While Guatemala struggles with some of the economic and social issues as do other developing countries in Latin America, the strong presence of indigenous culture and popular movements provide for a unique learning experience Study Spanish Guatemala.Study Spanish Guatemala

Students are able to learn firsthand about Spanish colonialism, Mayan history, and current day life.

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